Abstracts should be written according to the instructions below and will be reviewed for acceptance based upon their scientific merit.
Opportunities for participation in the conference include the following:
1. Proposed or Invited Symposia (at least 4 papers from different authors related to a common topic or a series of studies, convened by the symposium organizer). Each symposium will be 90 minutes in length. An introduction to the symposium should be submitted in a symposium proposal by the individual organizing the symposium, while individual abstracts should be submitted by each presenter. Symposium proposals, submitted by the symposium chairperson, should include the following information:
- Symposium Title
- Brief description of the symposium and the topics to be addressed (250 -300 words).
- Full names and email addresses of all proposed speakers.
The Chairperson should also be one of the presenters.
IMPORTANT! Symposium participants should independently submit their abstracts and be sure to specify the name of the symposium in which it will be included.
2. Oral presentations (presentation on a single study or topic)
3. Poster presentations (presentations that enable direct and intensive interaction between the authors and participants)
Preparation of abstracts
Abstracts should be written in English. Should an abstract substantially diverge from academic standards of language, it will not be considered for the reviewing process. Abstracts should be between 1800 and 2000 characters, not including the abstract title, author(s) and author(s) affiliation. Authors should indicate the type of presentation they are proposing (symposia, oral presentation or poster). Abstracts should include a clearly presented study goal and/or problem, methodology and main findings with reference to their interpretation.
Preparation of oral presentations (individually or as part of a symposium) and poster presentations
Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes and will be followed by a short discussion.
The presentation language is English.
Dimensions of posters presented in the Poster session should be 90 cm (width) x 120cm (height) (35.4''x 47.2'').
Deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th February 2016. The Program Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Decisions regarding abstract acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author by 15th March 2016. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts before the opening of the conference. Only the abstracts of authors who have paid the registration fee by 1st May 2016 will be scheduled for presentation and included in the Book of Abstracts.
You can check the status of a submitted abstract by logging in on our conference management system. Once your abstract has been reviewed, you will also receive an email notification. Be sure to make note of your username and password so that you can make use of these features.