Perception and memory

Study level: Undergraduate study programme in psychology
Lecturers: Andrea Vranić, Ph.D.
Language: Croatian
Semester: 1st (winter)
Status: mandatory
Form of instruction with class hours: 45 hours of lectures, 15 hours seminars
Prerequisites: none
Student evaluation: written exam

Course description

Perception: Overview of different approaches in the study of intelligence. Cognitive psychology and human information processing. Definitions of perception. Differences between constructivist (Gregory) and direct theories (Gibson) of perception. Computational theory of perception (Maar). Difference between sense and percept. Capacity of sensory channels. Dominance of visual perception. Adaptation and recuperation. Perception according to sensory modality. Perception of movement. The role of heredity and environment in the development of perception. Perception of speech and face. Perception and ageing. Perception deficits. Cross-cultural study of perception.
Memory: 1) definition of memory (classifications of memory, types of long-term memory), 2) working memory (capacity of working memory, intermodal integration of information, cognitive correlates of working memory), 3) encoding, storage and retrieval of information in memory (depth of processing
and organization of information in memory), 4) forgetting (forgetting curve, theories of forgetting, forgetting skills), 5) the role of memory in everyday life (age and memory, absentmindedness, mnemotechnics, metamemory), 6) memory problems and deficits (types of amnesia, fugue, childhood amnesia), 7) memory and context (autobiographical and social memory, everyday and prospective memory), 8) current memory research.

Course objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with an introduction to cognitive psychology and perception and memory research in particular. Students will acquire knowledge of different theoretical approaches within this filed of research and phenomenon explained by this research. This course will
give students a solid base for other cognitive and applied psychology classes.


Required readings

Atkinson & Hilgard (2007). Uvod u psihologiju. (poglavlje 4. Senzorni procesi; poglavlje 5. Percepcija). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.

Vranić, A. (2009). Kako se ono zove onaj Nijemac? Vrste i poremećaji pamćenja. U D. Čorkalo-Biruški (ur.), Primijenjena psihologija: Pitanja i odgovori (str. 143-162), Zagreb: Školska knjiga. 

Vranić, A., & Tonković, M. (2012). (Ur.). Lažna sjećanja: Izvještaj 21. Ljetne psihologijske škole. Zagreb: FF Press.

Zarevski, P. (1995). Psihologija pamćenja i učenja. (str.13-115; str. 173-188; str. 193-217 i str. 259-279) Jastrebarsko. Naklada Slap.

Recommended readings

Goldstein, E.B. (2011). Osjeti i percepcija (poglavlje 1, poglavlja 5-13). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.

Sternberg, R. (2005). Kognitivna psihologija. (poglavlje 4: Percepcija; poglavlje 5: Pamćenje: modeli i istraživačke metode; poglavlje 6: Procesi pamćenja). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.