Study level: Undergraduate study programme in psychology
Lecturers: Andrea Vranić, Ph.D.
Language: Croatian
Semester: 2nd (summer)
Status: mandatory
Form of instruction with class hours: 30 hours of lectures, 30 hours seminars
Prerequisites: Perception and memory
Student evaluation: written exam
Course description
Learning: Approaches to learning, definitions and types of learning. Classical and instrumental conditioning; Cognitive theories of learning, Social theories of learning; Recent advances in the study of learning
Thinking: Levels of thinking; Creativity, Problem solving, Judgment and decision making
Intelligence: Overview of different approaches in the study of intelligence; Definitions of intelligence; Development of mental tests; Measuring intelligence; mental age, intelligence quotient; Factor models and the structure of intelligence; The role of heredity and environment in the development of intelligence; Neurophysiologic correlates of intelligence; Primary cognitive tasks and classical measurement of intelligence; Dynamic testing of intelligence; Social intelligence; Multiple intelligences; Computerized and adaptive testing of intelligence; Emotional intelligence; The effect of practice on the score in intelligence tests; Explicit and implicit theories of intelligence; Intelligence, cognitive styles and learning.
Course objectives
The aim of this class is to give students an introduction to complex cognitive processes: learning, thinking and intelligence. After having finished this class students will understand different ways of learning and their characteristics, different models and classifications in the filed of thinking and reasoning. The class will offer historical and current view perspective on intelligence research, through theoretical and measurement based approach. The class will give students a solid base for other
general and applied psychology classes.
Required readings
- Atkinson/Hilgard: Uvod u psihologiju (2007). (poglavlje 9. Govor i mišljenje). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
- Sternberg, R. (2005). Kognitivna psihologija. (poglavlje 11: Rješavanje problema i kreativnost; poglavlje 12: Donošenje odluka i rezoniranje). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
- Zarevski, P. (1995). Psihologija učenja i pamćenja. (3. poglavlje: Učenje, str. 115–169). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
- Zarevski, P. (2012). Struktura i priroda inteligencije. (poglavlje 2: Određenje inteligencije, str. 25–35). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
Recommended readings
- Gardner, H., Kornhaber, M.L., Wake, W.K. (1999). Inteligencija – različita gledišta. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
- Hulse, S.H., Deese, J., Egeth, H. (1975). The psychology of learning. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
- Hampson, R.J., Morris, P.E. (1996). Understanding Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Klein, S.B., Mowrer, R.R. (1989). Contemporary learning theories: Instrumental conditioning theory and the impact of biological constraints on learning. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Rathus, S.A. (2000). Temelji psihologije. (poglavlje 6: Učenje, str. 207-247; poglavlje 8: Mišljenje i govor, str. 295-343). Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.