Aleksandra Huić graduated at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb in 2004. Since 2004 till 2008 she worked as an expert associate in the Center for Psychodiagnostic Instruments (today Center for Applied Psychology). In October 2008 she started working as a research fellow at the Chair for Social Psychology at the Department of Psychology. She got her PhD at the end of 2012, and became a senior research fellow/instructor in February of 2013. She became a research associate in 2014.
Since 2017. she works as an assitant professor at the Chair for development psychology and the Chair for School Psychology.
She attended educational programmes in higher education teaching methods, several statistical analysis training programmes, European Association of Social Psychology Summer School, as well as several workshops in psychological counseling.
Until today she was or is a part of about 15 Croatian, European and international research projects, She was one of the mentors for the XVII. and XXIV. Psychology Summer School, and is a student-mentor for numerous student research projects. She worked as a counselor at the Faculty Counseling Center. She is active in various organizational committees of international scientific conferences. She is also active in different popularization of science activities such as PsihoFest and Science Picnic. She is a member of Croatian Psychological Society, Croatian Chamber of Psychology, Society for Personality and Social Psychology and International Association for Relationship Research. She was one of the recipeints of the National Science Award – popularization of science for 3. PsihoFest (2015).
Her research interests lie within the field of cognitive distortions, especially during gambling, attitudes towards sexual minorities, perception of gender (in)equality and experiences of sexual and gender discrimination. Her work within the filed of intimate relationships deals with marital relationships, close relationships in emerging adulthood and friendships, specifically with gender roles and differences, equity, socio-emotional climate, communication patterns, effects of free time and ways of showing love.
She published around 20 articles and gave over 80 oral presentations at international conferences She reviews papers for journals Review of Psychology, Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, Suvremena psihologija, Revija za socijalnu politiku, Socijalna ekologija, Život i škola, Revija za sociologiju, Primenjena Psihologija, Psicologia – Revista de Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia, Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health and Journal of Gambling Studies.
Selected publications
Rodrigues, D., Fasoli, F., Huic, A., & Lopes, D. (2018). Which partners are more human? Monogamy matters more than sexual orientation for dehumanization in three European countries. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 15(4), 504-515.
Huic, A., Jelic, M., & Kamenov, Z. (2018). Essentialist Beliefs About Homosexuality Predict Positive and Negative Behavioral Intentions Toward Lesbian Women and Gay Men. Journal of homosexuality, 65(12), 1631-1655.
Rodrigues, D. L., Huic, A., & Lopes, D. (2018). Relationship commitment of Portuguese lesbian and gay individuals: Examining the role of cohabitation and perceived social support. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Rodrigues, D. L., Huic, A., Lopes, D., & Kumashiro, M. (2019). Regulatory focus in relationships and conflict resolution strategies. Personality and Individual Differences, 142, 116-121.
Huić, A., Hundrić, D. D., Kranželić, V., & Ricijaš, N. (2017). Problem Gambling among Adolescent Girls in Croatia—The Role of Different Psychosocial Predictors. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(792).
Huic, A., Kranzelic, V., Hundric, D. D., & Ricijas, N. (2017). Who Really Wins? Efficacy of a Croatian Youth Gambling Prevention Program. Journal of gambling studies, 1-23.
Huić, A., & Smolčić, I. (2016). Strategije održavanja prijateljstva i zadovoljstvo istospolnim prijateljstvima–efekti aktera i partnera. Društvena istraživanja, 25(1), 63-83.
Rodrigues, D., Fasoli, F., Huic, A., & Lopes, D. (2017). Which
Partners Are More Human? Monogamy Matters More than Sexual Orientation
for Dehumanization in Three European Countries. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 1-12.
Ricijas, N., Hundric, D. D., & Huic, A. (2016). Predictors of adverse gambling related consequences among adolescent boys. Children and Youth Services Review. 67, 168–176
Huić, A., Jelić, M., & Kamenov, Ž. (2016). Što predviđa spremnost heteroseksualnih osoba na pozitivno i negativno ponašanje prema osobama homoseksualne orijentacije?. Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, 23(2), 79-109.
Kamenov, Ž., Huić, A., & Jelić, M. (2016). Manjinski stres i mentalno zdravlje osoba homoseksualne i biseksualne orijentacije: pregled empirijskih provjera modela manjinskog stresa iz perspektive hrvatskog društva. Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, 23(2), 2-39.
Ricijaš, N., Dodig Hundrić, D., Huić, A. i Kranželić, V. (2016). Kockanje mladih u Hrvatskoj - učestalost igranja i zastupljenost problematičnog kockanja, Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, 27(2), 24-47.
Huić, A., Jugović, I., & Kamenov, Ž. (2015). Stavovi studenata o pravima osoba homoseksualne orijentacije. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 22(2), 219-244.
Kamenov, Ž., Huić, A. i Jugović, I. (2014). Partnerski odnosi u kontekstu roda i rodnih uloga, U: A. Brajša-Žganec, J. Lopižić i Z. Penezić (Ur.) Psihološki aspekti suvremene obitelji, braka i partnerstva, Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap (str. 239-274)
Huić, A., Kamenov, Ž. and Jelić, M. (2012). Does equity in ways of showing love matter for marital satisfaction? Primenjena psihologija, 5 (3), 209-239
Huić, A., Ricijaš, N. i Branica, V. (2010). Kako definirati i mjeriti kompetencije studenata – validacija Skale percipirane kompetentnosti za psihosocijalni rad, Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 17 (2), 195-221.
Undergraduate study programme in psychology
- Child and adolescent psychology
- Introduction to school and preschool psychology
- Practicum in communication skills
Graduate study programme in psychology
Aleksandra Huić, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Room: C-304, Tel. 4092-308
as per e-mail appointment
As an expert associate she was a part of two research and development projects funded by the Ministry of science, education and sports that dealt with the development of psychological instruments. She was the chief administrator for a TEMPUS project. Since 2005 untill today she coordinated and participated in a dozen applied and evaluative projects.
She is one of the authors of the first Croatian gambling prevention programme “Who really wins?” based at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. She gave more than 20 lectures and workshops to psychologists, pharmacists, social pedagogues, social workers, judges, psychiatrists and high school teachers mostly on communication and presentation skills, coping with stress, time management, and cognitive distortions in gambling. She has been an active member of the Programme and Organizational Committee of the Ramiro and Zoran Bujas Days since 2003, and was a member of the organizational committees of several big intenational conferences. She was the president of the Programme and Organizational Committee of 2. PsihoFest – festival of psychology, and the coordinator of PsihoFest activities at Science Picnics in 2013. and 2014. She also actively participated as a lecturer during the 1. and 2. PsihoFest in 2011. and 2013. She is a member of the board of the Center for Applied Psychology at the Department of Psycchology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb.