Study level: Undergraduate study programme in psychology
Language: Croatian
Semester: 6th (summer)
Status: elective
Form of instruction with class hours: 30 hours of lectures, 15 hours of seminars, 15 hours of practical work
Prerequisites: Statistics in psychology II, Prcticum in psychology I
Student evaluation: written and oral exam
Course description
Behavioural approach to environment. Subject matter of environmental psychology. Methodological specifics. Models of human – environment relations. Determinism and interactionalism. Environmental stressors. Environmental quality. Perception and cognition of environment. Cognitive maps. Risk perception and behaviors in disasters. Social dimensions of space. Personal space, crowdedness, privacy, territoriality. Urban and residential environment. Environment and vandalism. Adaptation in a variety of settings. Planning environment. Relation towards renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Course objectives
The students will understand the contents and methods that enable a psychologist to participate in the environmental planning processes and to evaluate outcomes of these processes. They will understand complex relations between a man and environment. They will be able to evaluate the subjective quality of interventions in the environment.
Required readings
Ajduković, D. (1991). Čovjekova okolina i psihologija. U: V. Kolesarić, M. Krizmanić i B. Petz (ur.) Uvod u suvremenu psihologiju, 449-509. Zagreb: Grafički zavod Hrvatske.
D. (1984). Psihologijski problemi istraživanja kvalitete stanovanja.
Zbornik radova "VI Dani psihologije", 47-54. Zadar: Filozofski fakultet.
Ajduković, D. (1984). Psihologijski pogled na jedan aspekt društvene krize. Primijenjena psihologija, 5, 244-247.
Ajduković, D. (1988). A contribution to the methodology of personal space research. Psychologische Beiträge, 30, 198-208.
Ajduković, D. i Bistrović, E. (1987). Prilog grafičkoj metodi istraživanja kognitivnih prostornih mapa. Revija za psihologiju, 17, 67-80.
Bechtel, R., Churchman, A. (2007). Handbook of environmental psyhology. New York: Plenum Press.
Čorkalo, D. (1992).Psihologijski aspekti istraživanja percepcije opasnosti. Socijalna ekologija, 1, 63-81.
Recommended readings
Bell, P.A., Fisher, J.D., Baum, A.m Greene, T,.C. (2002). Environmental psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Wilson
Trstenjak. A. (1984). Ekološka psihologija. Ljubljana: ČGP Delo.