Forms of participation

The conference program includes presentations of fundamental and applied research topics from all fields of psychology in the following forms:

Symposia: at least four and a maximum of five papers from different authors related to a common topic or a series of studies, convened by a symposium organizer.

Oral presentations: presentation on a single study or topic.

Poster presentations: presentations that enable a short interaction between authors and participants.

Round table: discussions about a pertinent professional or research topic.


Oral presentation preparation

The duration of each individual oral presentation is limited to 15 minutes. Each oral presentation will be immediately followed by a 5-minute discussion. 

Round table discussions and symposia are allotted a time limit of 90 minutes. 

A presentation template is available and we invite anyone who is interested to use this template in preparing their conference presentations.

25_DRZB_ppt template.pptx

Zoom background: vizual_1920x1080_eng.jpg

Poster presentation preparation

At this year’s Ramiro and Zoran Bujas days, the Poster section will be held virtually. The participants will have the option of viewing the ePosters during the time allotted for the Poster section on September 1st but also asynchronously at any other moment during the conference through a designated web-site. In other words, this year, we will opt out of the classical printed poster format and will be presenting the posters only virtually.

We kindly ask you to adhere to the below ePoster format requirements and upload instructions:

1. You may upload only one ePoster per abstract
2. ePoster dimension size: 1920×1080 pixels (landscape format)
3. Font size: should be larger than 10pt
4. ePosters must not contain audio or video content or moving images.
5. ePosters need to be saved in one of the following two format types: .jpg or .png
6. Files should be no more than 20MB in size.
7. How to name the ePoster file? If your name is Jane Doe and the title of your ePoster is “Youth mental health in time of COVID-19” the ePoster should be titled as “Doe Jane - Youth mental health in time of COVID-19”.

If you have created your ePoster in a PowerPoint presentation, we kindly ask you to save it in the .jpg or .png format. This can be done through the File -> Save As option by choosing .jpg or .png out of the many presented format types. In this case, please make sure your ePoster is one slide long only.

8. The deadline to submit the ePoster is Thursday, September 23, 2021. Please send your ePoster to the following e-mail address:

Throughout the duration of the conference, participants will have the option of writing questions regarding ePosters through a chat function on the ePoster web-site/platform. ePoster authors can reply to these questions at any time during the conference.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Abstract preparation

Abstracts should be written in Croatian or English. Abstracts in which the written text substantially deviates from the standards of the chosen language will not be considered for review.

Abstracts should be between 1600 and 2000 characters (with spaces), not including the abstract title, author(s) and author(s) affiliation. 

Proposal submission


On the application form, you must first select the type of submission you are making: oral or poster presentation. If you are submitting an oral presentation, the type of oral presentation (individual oral presentation, symposium, oral presentation within a symposium, round table) must be indicated in the next step. 

Abstracts should be written in Croatian or English. Abstracts in which the written text substantially deviates from the standards of the chosen language will not be considered for review.

Abstracts should be between 1600 and 2000 characters (with spaces), not including the abstract title, author(s) and author(s) affiliation. 


Abstracts for oral presentations and posters should be submitted by only one of the authors, the one who will present the work. Abstracts should include a clearly stated objective and/or research problem, methodology and a discussion of the main findings, along with reference to their interpretation. 


Abstracts for round tables should be submitted by the organizer/leader of the round table, while the round table participants do not have to submit a proposal. 

Abstracts for round table discussions must include a description of the discussion topics as well as the full names of the round table leader and all participants.


Symposium abstracts and abstracts for presentations within a symposium are submitted by the organizer/leader of the symposium.

The abstracts of individual papers within the symposium should include the title of the symposium of which it is a part and should be written in accordance with the above-described guidelines for abstracts of oral and poster presentations.  

All symposia must have a minimum of four and a maximum of five papers.

The procedure for the submission of a symposium and abstracts within the symposium is as follows:  

1. The symposium leader should first complete a symposium proposal.

- Select the type of oral presentation: Symposium,
- Enter the symposium leader’s name and e-mail address as the contact person,
- Under ‘title of paper’, enter the name of the symposium,
- Under ‘authors’, enter the name and institutional affiliation of the symposium leader,
- Provide an abstract for the symposium as a whole (the names of all authors who will present their work in the proposed symposium should be included in this abstract)

2. Next, the symposium leader should individually submit each work included in the symposium as a separate submission (using a new submission form for each individual work). For each new submission:

- Select the type of oral participation: Oral presentation within a symposium
- Enter the symposium leader’s name and e-mail address as the contact person,
- Under ‘title of paper’, enter the title of the individual work within the symposium,
- Under ‘authors’, enter the names and institutional affiliations of all authors named on the individual work,
- Provide an abstract for the individual work (this should include the title of the symposium of which this work is a part)

3. The procedure outlined in point 2 should be repeated by the symposium leader for each individual paper included in the symposium.

While we aim to provide an opportunity for as many authors to present their work as possible, the number of presentation spaces is limited. As such, an individual may be the first author on only one paper and a co-author on a maximum of two additional papers.


The deadline for the submission of proposals is the 15th June 2021. 1st July 2021. After this deadline, no further submissions will be accepted. The Program Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Decisions regarding acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author by the 15th July 2021. Only the abstracts of authors who have paid the registration fee by the 15th September 2019 will be scheduled for presentation and included in the Book of Abstracts.


Proposal submission form


The Commission for Professional Development of the Croatian Psychological Chamber categorized the 25th Ramiro and Zoran Bujas Days as a domestic scientific conference with international participation. Accordingly, invited lecturers receive 25, active participants 20, and passive participants 15 points.

Important dates

April 1, 2021
Proposal submission, on-line registration and payment of early registration fee is open

June 25, 2021 July 1, 2021
Final deadline for proposal submission 

July 15, 2021
Author notification of proposal acceptance 

August 31, 2021
Deadline for payment of early registration fee 

September 30 - October 2, 2021
The 25th Ramiro and Zoran Bujas Days