Introduction to work psychology

Study level: Undergraduate study programme in psychology
Lecturers: Željko Jerneić, Ph.D., Branimir Šverko, Ph.D., Maja Parmač Kovačić, Ph.D.
Language: Croatian
Semester: 6th (summer)
Status: mandatory
Form of instruction with class hours: 45 hours of lectures, 15 hours of seminars
Prerequisites: Introduction to test theory

Course description

The meaning of working in an individual's life. Human work activity: physiological and psychological demands in work, energy expenditure in work, mental workload, work curves, fatigue. Individual differences and work behaviour: the role of abilities, skills, and motivation. Fitting the individual to the job: vocational guidance, personnel selection, and training. Personnel psychology: the basis of human resource management. Fitting the job to the individual: designing jobs and machines for people. Ergonomics: an interdisciplinary effort toward human-centered design. The social context of work: nature and characteristics of organizations. Organizational psychology: the study of organizational structure, culture, and change. W/O psychology as profession: fields of activity and career prospects in Croatia.

Course objectives

This course serves as the introduction into the field of Work and Organizational Psychology at the undergraduate level. By the end of the course students will have obtained a basic understanding of human problems in work settings and of basic psychological approaches used to enhance productivity, safety, and satisfaction of people at work. Interdisciplinary approach and contribution of other disciplines will be stressed.

Required readings

Arnold, J.; Silvester, J; Patterson, F.; Robertson, I.; Cooper, C. & Burnes, B. (2005). Work Psychology (4th ed.) Prentice-Hall.

Petz, B. (1987). Psihologija rada. Zagreb: Školska knjiga

Šverko, B. (1991). Značenje rada u životu pojedinca: radne vrijednosti, važnost rada i alijenacija. U: V. Kolesarić, M. Krizmanić i B. Petz (ur.) Uvod u psihologiju (str. 17-56), Zagreb: Prosvjeta

Šverko B. (ur.) (1998). Vodič kroz zanimanja. Zagreb: Razbor. E-publication (1999) na URL

Šverko, B. (2003). Novije spoznaje o valjanosti selekcijskih metoda: od doktrine o situacijskoj specifičnosti do postavke o generalizaciji valjanosti. Suvremena psihologija, 6, 293-313.