Psychology as a science and profession

Study level: Undergraduate study programme in psychology
Lecturers: Denis Bratko, Ph.D.
Language: Croatian
Semester: 1st (winter)
Status: mandatory
Form of instruction with class hours: 15 hours of lectures
Prerequisites: none
Student evaluation: written colloquium

Course description

Psychology as a science and profession. Methods in psychology. Biological foundations of psychology. Senses and perception. Consciousness and its altered states. Learning and memory. Intelligence. Thinking and speech. Motivation and emotions. Developmental psychology. Personality. Psychological disorders and therapy. Stress and health. Social psychology: an relation between individual and social environment. Applied psychology.

Course objectives

To present fundamental characteristics of psychology as a natural and social science. Emphasis will be given to reviewing and informing students about various fields in psychology and not on in-depth knowlegde. Aim of the course is to inform student in more details about the university program in psychology and about psychology as a profession, enabling them to follow the university program easier.


Series of concentrated lectures.
There are 15 major themes that should be presented to students having in mind three aspects: 1. To present research in a particular field, answering the question What is the field about? (fundamental aspects); 2. To inform students about applied aspects of the field (applied and/or professional aspect); 3. To inform students about the courses in each particular area during their studies.

Required readings

Petz, B. (2001). Uvod u psihologiju. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.

Recommended readings

Rathus, A. S. (2000). Temelji psihologije. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.
Morris, G. C. & Maisto, A. A. (2001). Understanding Psychology. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.