Introduction to test theory

Study level: Undergraduate study programme in psychology
Lecturers: Damir Ljubotina, Ph.D., Blaž Rebernjak, Ph.D., Una Mikac
Language: Croatian
Semester: 4th (summer)
Status: mandatory
Form of instruction with class hours: 30 hours of lectures and 30 hours of exercises
Prerequisites: Statistics in psychology II
Student evaluation: written and oral exam

Course description

General theory of psychological measurement; Measurement and scientific inquiry; Direct and indirect measurement; Measurement scales: definition and description, information value, valid arithmetic operations, invariant transformations; Psychological tests and psychology of individual differences; Test as a measure of constructs; History of psychological testing; Quantitative test theory: concepts and definitions; Test classifications: item characteristics, purpose, way and length of administration; Composite tests; Linear summative model; Outline and definition of basic psychometric characteristics; Introduction to the theory of reliability of measurement (models, classical reliability theory, basic assumptions, consequences of measurement unreliability).

Course objectives

Students will gain knowledge on the main concepts and principles of the general theory of measurement and psychological testing.

Required readings

Jackson, C. (2000). Psihologijsko testiranje. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.

Krković, A. (1978). Elementi psihometrije. Zagreb: SN Liber.

Krković, A., Momirović, K., Petz, B. (1966). Odabrana poglavlja iz psihometrije i neparametrijske statistike. Zagreb: Društvo psihologa Hrvatske i Republički zavod za zapošljavanje. (Poglavlje 1)

Recommended readings
Crocker, L., Alina, J. (1986) Introduction to classical and modern test theory. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers. (Chapters: 1, 2, 3,5, 6,7,17, 19).

Povjerenstvo za standarde pedagoškog i psihološkog testiranja AEA, APA i NCME (2005). Standardi za pedagoško i psihološko testiranje. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap.