Introduction to school and preschool psychology

Study level: Undergraduate study programme in psychology
Lecturers: Vesna Vlahović Štetić, Ph.D., Gordana Kuterovac Jagodić, Ph.D., Aleksandra Huić, Ph.D, Inja Erceg Jugović, Ph.D., Vanja Putarek
Language: Croatian
Status: mandatory
Form of instruction: lectures and exercises
Prerequisites: Child and adolescent psychology

Course description

Issues of school psychology: definition, tasks, relationship between school psychology and psychology of education. The role of preschool and school psychologist. Student characteristics as determinants of school achievement (cognitive, socio-emotional and motivational factors). Mainstreaming the students with special needs. Mental health prevention and interventions in school settings. Improvement of teaching and learning in pre-school and school institutions. Cooperation with teachers, parents and peer experts.

Course objectives

To provide basic orientation in the school psychology area. At the information level, students will become familiar with the main pre-school and school psychology issues and tasks. They will be able to apply the knowledge gained in the course in everyday life. In addition to basic information related to this area, students will also gain the basis for attending the compulsory and optional courses in this area during the graduate studies.

Required readings

Reynolds, C. R., & Gutkin, T. B. (Eds.) (1999). The Handbook of School psychology (3rd ed.). New York: Wiley.

Kolesarić,V., Krizmanić M, Petz B. (ur.) (1991). Uvod u psihologiju. Zagreb: Prosvjeta.

Klarin, M. (2006). Razvoj djece u socijalnom kontekstu. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap. (poglavlja 3 i 4).
Clarke-Stewart, A. (1993). Daycare. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Recommended readings
Stoll, L., Fink, D. (2000). Mijenjajmo naše škole. Zagreb: Educa.
Starc, B., Čudina Obradović, M, Plaša, A., Profaca, B., Letica, M. (2004). Osobine i psihološki uvjeti razvoja djeteta predškolske dobi. Zagreb: Golden Marketing-Tehnička knjiga.
Katz, G.L., McClellan, D.E. (1997). Poticanje razvoja dječje socijalne kompetencije. Zagreb: EDUCA.
Haug-Schnabel, G. (1996). Agresivnost u dječjem vrtiću. Zagreb: EDUCA.
Milanović,M., Stričević, I., Maleš, D. Sekulić Majurec, A. (2000).Skrb za dijete i poticanje ranog razvoja djeteta u Republici Hrvatskoj. UNICEF-Ured za Hrvatsku. (str. 31-61).