Abstracts should be written in Croatian or English. Abstracts should be between 1800 and 2000 characters, not including abstract title, author(s) and author(s) affiliation. Abstracts will be published in their original form without further editing. Authors should indicate the type of presentation they propose (symposia, oral presentation, poster or round table discussion). Abstracts should include a clearly presented study goal or/and problem, methodology and main findings with notes on their interpretation. Since the number of presentation slots is limited, in order to allow more authors to present their work, one person may be the presenting author only at one paper and additionally up to two times as a non-presenting author (co-author).
The Program Committee will review the submitted abstracts. The decision regarding acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author by 10th February 2011. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts before the opening of the conference. Only abstracts of authors who have paid the registration fee by 15th March 2011 will be scheduled for presentation and included in the Book of Abstracts.
Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes and will be followed by a short discussion. Symposia must include 4 papers.
The presentation language is either Croatian or English.
Dimensions of posters, presented in the Poster session, should be 90 x 120cm.