Proposal submission

The submission of proposals is now closed!

On the application form, you must first select the type of submission you are making: oral or poster presentation. If you are submitting an oral presentation, the type of oral presentation (individual oral presentation, symposium, oral presentation within a symposium, roundtable) must be indicated in the next step. 

Abstracts for oral presentations and posters should be submitted by the first author or by the author who will present the work.

Abstracts for roundtables should be submitted by the organizer/leader of the roundtable. Roundtable participants are not required to submit a proposal. 

Symposium abstracts and abstracts for presentations within a symposium are submitted by the organizer/leader of the symposium. The procedure for the submission of a symposium and abstracts within the symposium is as follows:  

1. The symposium leader should first complete a symposium proposal.
- Select the type of oral presentation: Symposium,
- Enter the symposium leader’s name and e-mail address as the contact person,
- Under ‘title of paper’, enter the name of the symposium,
- Under ‘authors’, enter the name and institutional affiliation of the symposium leader,
- Provide an abstract for the symposium as a whole (the names of all authors who will present their work in the proposed symposium should be included in this abstract)

2. Next, the symposium leader should individually submit each work included in the symposium as a separate submission (using a new submission form for each individual work). For each new submission:
- Select the type of oral participation: Oral presentation within a symposium
- Enter the symposium leader’s name and e-mail address as the contact person
- Under ‘title of paper’, enter the title of the individual work within the symposium,
- Under ‘authors’, enter the names and institutional affiliations of all authors named on the individual work,
- Provide an abstract for the individual work (this should include the title of the symposium of which this work is a part)

3. The procedure outlined in point 2 should be repeated by the symposium leader for each individual paper included in the symposium.